Tennessee Student Eagles is an organization sponsored by Tennessee Eagle Forum Foundation composed of like-minded students who share conservative interests. This program trains students to be knowledgeable, independent thinkers in order to face the current social and political environment.
The Tennessee Student Eagles program exists to facilitate growth among conservative students, help them to further develop their conservative values, strengthen their resolve to stand for conservative principles, and provide them with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and experience by becoming involved in civic activities and the political process.

Frances Arthur | Director of Student Eagle Program
Frances Arthur has served as our Student Eagle Leader since 2011. She also serves as the National Student Eagle Chairman for Eagle Forum. In her career, Frances has taught high school, middle school, and elementary school in public, home-school, and home-school cooperative settings over the last 30 years. As a lifelong learner, she has developed a skill set which allows her to effectively teach government, politics, economics, American and world history. She is committed to our students and provides them with many special activities and opportunities. Frances has written four books that include an Emotional Health curriculum for high school students, “Pearls of Wisdom for Homeschooling Moms,” and most recently “Life Lessons for Graduates: A Working Journal.” In her spare time, she is a competitive ballroom dancer.

Most students with conservative parents know what their parents believe about these issues, so they have just followed along with them. This will be helpful when they are away at college or in the workforce and have to defend their position for the first time. Our Student Eagles understand why we believe what we believe which allows them to stand their ground firmly when faced with opposing views.
Student Eagles meet monthly to discuss an issue or a current event. The students determine which topics to discuss in advance. They are expected to research as much as they can, then bring that information to share with other students in a robust discussion or debate. Topics from past meetings have included illegal immigration, national security, terrorism, the Equal Rights Amendment, and abortion.

One of the primary goals of the Student Eagle program is to provide practical experience to our students as they learn the process of enacting legislation. During the General Assembly session, our students have the opportunity to shadow state legislators for a day at the Tennessee State Capitol. They attend committee meetings, hear from constituents, and may even get to hear debates on the house or senate floors. Our students also track one piece of legislation through the committee process each session. This gives them a better understanding of how a bill becomes a law. They also learn how activists lobby a bill using emails, phone calls, and visits with legislators.
Initiatives like the Tennessee Student Eagles program are vital to the long-term viability of the conservative movement in our country. We are committed to investing in the next generation of leaders. Would you be willing to help us fulfill our mission of informing families, impacting communities, and influencing change across the state of Tennessee? All donations to the Tennessee Eagle Forum Foundation are tax deductible and go to support programs like our Tennessee Student Eagles.