In October 2022, the Tennessee Eagle Forum Foundation hosted “On Eagle’s Wings 2022”, an educational conference and banquet aimed at informing people about a wide variety of critical issues facing our nation today. 13 different speakers addressed 13 different topics, ranging from immigration and foreign policy to abortion and adoption. Each of our session speakers and their topics are listed below. While we are providing these videos to you free, we would like to request a small donation to help us with the costs of producing these videos and making them available online.
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“Legal and Illegal Immigration: What the General Assembly Did and Didn’t Do” with Joanne Bregman

“Understanding the Transgender Madness: What’s Happening To Our Children and Why?” with Jane Robbins

Help Us Keep These Resources Free: Please consider making a donation to the Tennessee Eagle Forum Foundation to help us with the costs of providing these videos free-of-charge. Your donation is tax-deductible and helps us accomplish our mission of informing families, impacting communities, and influencing change. Make your donation here.